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2M Group Supports Children’s Wellbeing

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2M Group has supported frontline workers, including nurses and teachers, by using our in-house expertise to manufacture and donate alcohol hand sanitiser. 

As lockdown is eased, we want to encourage a national effort to put children’s health at the forefront of what industries do.  Before lockdown, we wanted to bring children into our sites, to learn about STEM. Now we want to help them get outside! 

Many children have been at home, unable to properly exercise or see friends for almost four months. Now, as children’s activities and sports clubs are trying to reopen in the face of budgetary challenges, we will help children get back into sport, safely.  

Our hand sanitiser is especially kind to hands. At the height of the pandemic, the overwhelming feedback from nurses was that 2M’s hand sanitiser “was the first product that has been gentle on our hands.” This makes it the perfect product for little hands. Our staff, who have themselves received hand sanitiser parcels home during the pandemic, have also commented on its kindness to hands. So much so, that they have been using it on their children’s hands. Our first donations of hand sanitiser will go to the sports clubs which our teams’ children attend.  

Children’s Wellbeing & STEM 

At 2M we have an established commitment to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) education.  

STEM Program Highlights: 

  • In February, the 2M House opened its doors to 33 children to support their science education 
  • We regularly sponsor the Bradford Science Festival 
  • There are 15 STEM ambassadors within the 2M Group 

Whilst we intended to maintain a focus on STEM education, we have also recognised that the wellbeing of children is critically important.  

Supporting Local Sports Clubs 

We hope that this new initiative will enable sports clubs to open and thrive, and that children will remain safe and healthy when engaging with sports activities. 

2M House – Bring your kids to work day
Bradford Science Festival 2019 – we encouraged children to get creative and design logos – later displayed at SCS Formulate 2019