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2M provide Free Therapy for All Employees as part of Wellbeing and Care

Mental health and wellbeing support

At 2M Holdings, we want all of our employees to be both as happy and emotionally supported as they possibly can be.

As part of a wider 2M group initiative, one way we do this is through working with Spill – a message-based app that offers a completely confidential counselling and therapy service.

Getting talking with Spill

Did you know… 68% of people prefer communicating with others by message instead of face-to-face? Working with Spill allows our team to take control of their mental health and wellbeing in a convenient way over message. The app supports our employees in dealing with life problems before they become life-altering.

Spill | Employee success story

We caught up with one of our colleagues within the 2M group that has recently downloaded Spill. Here’s how they’ve found the app so far…

What was your initial experience with Spill?

“I recently signed up to the Spill message-based therapy app. It’s super easy to do – you simply download it onto your phone and it’s all very secure!

Why do you use Spill and how does it benefit you?

“I felt there were a few things going on in my life that I wanted help and clarity on. Initially, you are put in contact with a Spill member who asks you a little bit more about yourself and your reasons for wanting to explore the app. After a few messages you are then matched with a counsellor. From here, your counsellor will reply to all messages you send twice a week. For me, it’s working really well, and I’ve found it very helpful. The key thing to understand is that although no-one can sort everything out for you, they can give you different perspectives and ways to think about things. If you are thinking about giving it a go, I would say stop thinking and DO IT!”

Working with Spill

2M Holdings are delighted to announce that since our internal launch of Spill, we have extended our contract to continue providing our employees with mental health and wellbeing support.

Let’s keep talk about talking!