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KMZ Acquisition

Banner Chemicals is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of KMZ Chemicals Ltd. Along with the assets of the company, we are pleased to welcome on board the senior management team from KMZ

KMZ are a UK distribution company based in Northampton, offering a range of products to the polymers and coatings industries. The KMZ product range is complimentary to the existing products offered by the Specialty Chemicals Division of Samuel Banner, with virtually no conflict or crossover. The customer base is the same for both companies permitting efficient use of the sales force, and the sales achieved will be significantly increased by the combination of the expertise within the two companies.

Mottie Kessler, Chairman of Banner Chemicals commented “We confidently expect that both former KMZ and existing Samuel Banner customer and suppliers will benefit from the comprehensive product portfolio and expertise provided by the joining of the two companies.”