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Our Team – Self-Improvement September

Last month, the 2M team took on ‘Self-Improvement September’, a month to try something new and foster a mindset for personal development.

From shed conversion, to fitness challenges, here are some of the 2M Group of Companies self improvement journeys…

Our Team

(Phil, Surfachem)

During September, I have converted a shed into a ‘den/home’ for my kids.  The shed was originally for their garden toys/chairs etc but had become a dumping ground and they wanted a den in the garden so I suggested the shed.  They loved the idea so I set about converting it.  I cleaned it out and built a table at one end.  The next steps were to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor and then clad in plaster board.  The inside was then painted and carpeted, with some lovely carpet that had been left in the loft since the 1980’s by the look of it!!  We got some cushions from a charity shop and took the beanbags from the kids bedrooms to make it more homely.  I then fitted some fairy lights to the ceiling, a lamp and a doorbell.  The kids play in there regularly and have eaten tea a few times too

(Fiona, Stowlin)

Before Covid-19 peeped its head up I had 3 half marathon’s lined up for September 1 week after the next and then one which would have been the first weekend in October. This is something I would never have even attempted previously. Unfortunately, they all since got cancelled and postponed to next year ☹ but I thought I would still do the half marathons anyway, just to push my own boundaries. I did my own half marathon on 6th Sept, the virtual Great north Run on 13th Sept and yesterday for a very big deal for me I did the Clipston Trail half which was all off road. I’ve only ever run distance on the road but never off road so for me it felt a great achievement. I’m now also on for doing 100 miles in the month so I’m delighted 😊

(Patrick, Surfachem Deutschland) 

I started with 110 kg in july, in September an additional 3 kg left me with a current weight of 97,9 kg (-12,1 kg total in 83 days). Sometimes there are also days of weakness, the point is to keep going and not to lose the goal! I will continue to avoid the comfort zone and focus a little more on training. The goal is to reach 85 kilos by the end of November. I would also like to thank my colleagues at the Wendelstein site who are motivating and always there for a training session. #playtowin

(Mark, Banner Chemicals)

I have taken up the challenge of self-improvement in the form of getting myself and my two children (Luke and Jack) fit through taking up jogging/exercise. My husband, Peter, is a keep fit fanatic and runs 10k at least two or three times a week, as well as fitness classes at the gym and the kids do various activities, however I have never really been a fan of fitness training and have used a multitude of excuses not to do it. During lockdown, I gained a few pounds due to even less activity than normal; apart from walks in the park, the kids were a lot less active too.  Since then, we have started jogging (not running) around the village were we live twice a week. We usually do it for about 20-30 minutes and to keep it a little interesting we decide on different routes to take.

(Sohail, Surfachem)

After the August Strava challenge which I was predominately going to run / jog in but I sprained my ankle and couldn’t take much further part. However when the results were shown I was really inspired by the amount of miles people had done cycling in particular Greg Barton and Phil Wright – nearly 3000km. I have always wanted to get back into cycling, especially now with the Covid situation with public transport being my main way to get to work. However the last time I actually cycled properly was around 15-20 years ago & I had looked into buying a bike previously but was a big investment. Luckily I was made aware of the 2M Cycle 2 work scheme, I looked into this and decided to purchase a bike all necessary accessories, making it much more affordable. I have received my new bike Voodoo Bizango 20in – attached (Halfords replacing a part next week) and I already cycled around 20 miles – with the highlight cycling to Leeds city centre and back for the very first time – my normal route to work. I’m looking to change my lifestyle of driving or using public transport and to cycle into the Leeds office when it re-opens and especially cycle during lunch times / before and after working hours when working from home.

(Charlene, SampleRite)

For the self-improvement September task, I’m jumping into and online Cognitive behavioural therapy practitioners course, I have already completed a level 1 and this one takes me through levels 2/3 and the practitioner certificate. I also learnt how to read tarot a couple of years ago so I’m taking this time to advance that, I did pull the death card this morning which is all about big life changing changes so has to be a good start right!?

Well done to our amazing team for taking on this challenge!