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Top, Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE) Award for Banner Chemicals’ and 2M Holdings’ Compliance Director

David Dalton (right) receives the Gerald Soane Award from former SIA Chairman Geoff Stamper
Photo courtesy of Andrew Norman

Britain’s Solvent Industry Association (SIA) has awarded David Dalton, Group Compliance Director of Banner Chemicals and its parent company, 2M Holdings, their prestigious annual Gerald Soane Award for Safety, Health, and the Environment at their Annual General Meeting in October 2017.

The award was given in recognition of David’s outstanding work on a number of Guidance Notes in the 2016-17 period and for his ever-present and ongoing commitment to the Association.

David said:
“The SIA Technical Committee’s aim is to improve knowledge throughout the solvent supply chain and advocate the adoption of best practice when handling solvents.

The focus of the SIA’s Guidance Notes is to provide straightforward practical advice to end users where technical resources may be limited.

I am extremely pleased to be the recipient of Gerald Soane award for my work with the Technical Committee, which is a collaborative process drawing on a wide range of expertise and knowledge from member companies.”
David has been an active member of the SIA’s Technical Committee for many years and has worked tirelessly for improved Health and Safety across the Industry.

This award follows previous recognition from Chemicals Northwest for SHE in ensuring safer packaging practices along the supply chain, in accordance with ADR regulations, which David wrote for the SIA in 2015.

Banner Chemicals is part of the 2M Group and is a full and active member of the Solvents Industry Association.